Snap Mail lets you define group names that refer to a set of users. To create, modify, or delete groups, select “Groups...” from the Snap menu in the menu bar. This brings up the Groups window. To add or remove users from a group, choose the group you want to modify from the pop-up menu and then select or de-select the desired users. Clicking on a destination will add it to the chosen group if it is not already selected or remove it from the group if it is already selected. Defining single person groups can be very useful. They can give you immediate access to the people you send to most frequently without ever needing to scroll to them on the user list. In addition, groups will maintain their correct references in the event that someone changes their name. The following buttons are available in the Groups window: • New To add a new group to the pop-up menu, click on the “New...” button. This will bring up a dialog box in which you can name the new group. New groups will initially have no users associated with them. • Delete To remove the currently selected group from the pop-up menu, click on the “Delete” button. • Cancel To cancel any changes you have made and return to the Snap Mail main window, click on the “Cancel” button. All changes that you may have made while the Groups window was open will be canceled. • OK To save the changes you have made and return to the Snap Mail main window, click on the “OK” button.